Ensemble 360
Upper Chapel, Sheffield
Friday 10 September 2021, 1.00pm / 7.00pm
Tickets: £15
£10 Disabled & Unemployed
£5 Students & Under 35s
BARTÓK Violin Rhapsody No.1 (9′)
BACH Violin Sonata in G BWV 1021 (17′)
BEETHOVEN Violin Sonata in G Op.30 No.3 (18′)
JANÁČEK Violin Sonata (17′)
Violinist Claudia Ajmone-Marsan and pianist Tim Horton explore the breadth of works for violin and piano in this rich and varied programme. Claudia has recited extracts of Beethoven’s letters at previous concerts and for our podcast, so this is an opportunity to hear her play his stately work that showcases the invention and range of violin-playing. Bartók’s peasant dance-inspired Rhapsody is a spectacular opening of fireworks, full of intrigue and surprise; while Janáček’s Sonata brings the concert to a close, treating the listener to an evocative series of musical images.