BEETHOVEN String Quartets
Ensemble 360
Upper Chapel, Sheffield
Friday 3 September 2021, 1.00pm / 7.00pm
Tickets: £15
£10 Disabled & Unemployed
£5 Students & Under 35s

BEETHOVEN Op.18 No.6 (26’)
BEETHOVEN Op.131 (39’)
Ensemble 360 continues its exploration of the full arch of Beethoven’s string quartets with a pairing drawn from early in his lifelong dedication to the form and what is said to be his own favourite of these works. Inventive, syncopated, eccentric; the first of this pairing is playful, bright and full of longing. An intricate quartet follows, which turns from brooding intensity to monumental power, and left Schubert asking, “After this, what is left for us to write?“