Ensemble 360
The Guildhall, Portsmouth
Monday 31 January 2022, 7.30pm
Tickets £18
Past EventHOWELLS Rhapsodic Quintet
COLERIDGE‐TAYLOR Nonet in F minor, Op. 2
ELGAR Piano Quintet in A minor, Op. 84
An enterprising all‐British programme which features Elgar’s wonderful late piano quintet, composed at the same time as the Cello Concerto, and inhabiting some of the same mood.
Samuel Coleridge‐Taylor studied at the Royal College of Music where his composition teacher was Stanford, and one of his main musical influences was Dvořák. He had enormous success with the cantata Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast, but some of his finest works are actually his early chamber pieces. Howells was very influenced by Elgar who was 35 years his senior, and this piece for clarinet and strings shows the strong melodic impulse which is characteristic of his music.