BACH Well-tempered Clavier
Libby Burgess
Upper Chapel, Sheffield
Friday 13 August 2021, 11.00am / 2.00pm / 5.30pm / 8.00pm
Tickets: £15
£10 Disabled & Unemployed
£5 Students & Under 35s

BACH Well-Tempered Clavier
Both books performed in their entirety over 4 hour-long concerts
A rare chance to hear the Well-Tempered Clavier in its entirety. Pianist Libby Burgess tackles this monumental work for keyboard as part of her series performing ‘the 48’ in each of England’s 48 counties. Each movement lasts only a few minutes, but between them they explore a wealth of characters, styles and moods, representing not only a diversity of musical language but also exploring the whole gamut of human emotional experience.
Friday 13 August
7.00pm – 7.45pm
Channing Hall
Libby Burgess provides insight into her Project-48 series of concerts performing Bach’s monumental work for keyboard in all 48 counties.
Free tickets available to all 5.30pm and 8.00pm ticket holders. Tickets must be ordered in person at box office or over the phone by calling 0114 249 6000. If you are attending this pre-concert event, you will not be required to arrive at the time specified on your ticket for the 8.00pm concert. There is strictly limited capacity due to social distancing requirements. Early booking is recommended.
About Libby Burgess’s Project 48
Project 48 is raising funds for musical charities, inspired by Bach’s comment that this music was written “for the benefit and use of the musical youth eager to learn, as well as for the special pastime of those already skilful in this study.”
This project will be fundraising for four musical charities who provide much-needed help to those same categories of people today – musicians young and old. Find out more here.