Leaving a legacy to Music in the Round is one of the best ways to support us. Every gift, big or small, makes a difference.

After all your loved ones are taken care of, leaving a residuary gift will give the incredible gift of chamber music to the next generation.

For more information on leaving a gift to Music in the Round in your will, please download a copy of our information sheet, or contact us by email at info@musicintheround.co.uk.



Legacy gifts can have a long-lasting effect on the work we carry out.

Andrew McEwan specified that his legacy was to support the promotion of music to young people who may not otherwise experience it, and has underwritten several of our storybook commissions and the resources for families and schools.

Diana Kurzman also left a significant legacy that enabled us to grow our programme around the country, especially in South Yorkshire, taking Ensemble 360 and high-quality pianists to places like Barnsley, Doncaster and Portsmouth.

These and other legacies have all benefitted an aspect of our activity by giving a starting boost to a new project or its development, without which Music in the Round not have the national impact it has today.